Child Care Resource Centers
Child Care Resource Centers
Child Care Resource Centers (CCRC) serve as the network of child care resource & referral agencies in New York State. They are your go-to guides when it comes to employer-supported child care. They are experts in the field and know all the options that employers may want to consider.
CCRCs can help Employers in a Variety of Ways
Connect with your local CCRC today and ask about:
- Providing enhanced child care referrals to parents
- Accessing CCAP (NY's Child Care Assistance Program)
- Identifying best first or next steps to add employer-supported child care benefits to your employee packages
- Understanding employer and employee child care tax credits
CCRC experts can help your HR staff. Schedule an informational session with your local CCRR.
Child Care Resource Centers
There are 35 Child Care Resource Centers throughout New York. Staff specialists help parents locate and choose quality child care by providing referrals to local child care providers, information on state licensing requirements, availability of child care subsidies, and other information.
CCRCs routinely provide support to parents, child care providers, employers, and local communities.